
A Catholic Online Directory

Items tagged with: Patriark

Albertus dari Yerusalem
Albertus Avogadro, Albertus Patriark

17 September

Hits : 12957
Alexander dari Alexandria
San Alessandro di Alessandria

26 Februari 17 April (Sebelumnya) 29 Mei (Gereja Orthodox)

Hits : 15869
Pilar Gereja, Athanasius Agung, Champion of Christ’s Divinity, Champion of Orthodoxy, Father of Orthodoxy
Pilar Gereja, Athanasius Agung, Champion of Christ’s Divinity, Champion of Orthodoxy, Father of Orthodoxy

02 mei

Hits : 26786
Dionysius of Alexandria
Dennis The Great, Dionysius of Alexandria, Paus Gereja Koptik ke-14

17 November

Hits : 17265

Santo Flavianus


18 Februari

Hits : 10917
Saint Meletius of Antioch

Santo Meletius

Meletius dari Anthiokhia, Meletios, Melezio

12 Februari

Hits : 10409
Metodius dari Konstantinopel
Patriark Metodius I

14 Juni

Hits : 10200
Santo Nerses

Santo Nerses

Nerses Agung

19 November

Hits : 8911
Santo Sirilus dari Alexandria
Greek Father of The Church

27 Juni

Hits : 14582
Sirilus dari Yerusalem
Doctor of the Church, Cyril of Jerusalem, Greek Father of the Church, Kyrillos

18 Maret

Hits : 10821

Santo Sophronius

Sofronius dari Yerusalem

11 Maret

Hits : 10070
Yohanes Krisostomus
Greatest of the Greek Fathers, Golden-Mouth, Giovanni Crisostomo

13 September

Hits : 25258
Yohanes Penderma
John the Almoner, Joannes Eleemosynarius, Joannes Misericors, John the Almsgiver

23 Januari

Hits : 9378

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