
A Catholic Online Directory

Items tagged with: India

Bartolomeus Rasul
Natanael, Nathanael bar Tolomai

24 Agustus

Hits : 38673
Didakus Carvalho
Diego Carvalho, Jacob Carvalho

22 Februari

Hits : 7833
Dionisius a Nativitate
Pierre Berthelot, Denis of the Nativity

29 November

Hits : 15376
Fransiskus Xaverius
Francisco de Jaso y Azpilicueta, Saint of The Seven Seas, Apostle of the Far East

03 Desember

Hits : 58789
Joseph Vaz

Santo Joseph Vaz

Rasul Srilanka

16 Januari

Hits : 9163
Kuriakose Elias Chavara
Pendiri Konggregasi Maria Imaculata (CMI) dan Kongregasi Suster Bunda Karmel (CMC)

3 Januari

Hits : 10258
Redemptus a Cruce
Tomás Rodrigues da Cunha, Redemptorus a Cruce, Redemptus of the Cross, Redemptus dari Salib

29 November

Hits : 12544
Teresa dari Kalkuta
Bunda Teresa, Mother Teresa, Ibu kaum miskin, Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu

5 September

Hits : 49408
Thomas Rasul

Santo Thomas Rasul

Didymus, Thomas the daubter

03 Juli

Hits : 30234
Saint John de Britto
João de Britto, Arul Anandar, Apostle of Madura, John the Baptist of India

4 Februari

Hits : 18161

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