
A Catholic Online Directory

Items tagged with: Bapa Gereja


Santo Agustinus

Augustine of Hippo, Aurelius Augustinus, Doctor of Grace

28 Agustus

Hits : 82125
Saint Ambrose, Doctor of the Church, The Honey Tongued Doctor

Santo Ambrosius

Doctor of the Church, The Honey Tongued Doctor

07 Desember

Hits : 25299
Pilar Gereja, Athanasius Agung, Champion of Christ’s Divinity, Champion of Orthodoxy, Father of Orthodoxy
Pilar Gereja, Athanasius Agung, Champion of Christ’s Divinity, Champion of Orthodoxy, Father of Orthodoxy

02 mei

Hits : 26748
Basil the Great
Basil the Great Bapa Gereja, Father of Eastern Monasticism

02 januari

Hits : 23248
Ephrem of Edessa, Harp of the Holy Spirit, Sun of the Syrians

Santo Efrem

Ephrem of Edessa, Harp of the Holy Spirit, Sun of the Syrians

09 Juni (Roma Katholik) 18 Juni (Gereja Maronite) 28 Januari (Eastern Orthodox Church) 8 Juni (Scottish Episcopal Church) 10 Juni (Wales; Episcopal Church in the USA) Sabtu ketujuh sebelum paskah (Syriac Orthodox Church)

Hits : 14836
Gregory The Great

Santo Paus Gregorius Agung

Paus ke-64, Salah seorang Paus terbesar dalam sejarah Gereja

03 September

Hits : 42750
Man of the Bible, Eusebius Hieronymus Sophronius

30 September

Hits : 24807
Saint Hillary of Poitiers
Athanasius of the West, Doctor of the Divinity of Christ, Hammer against Arianism, Ilario di Poitiers, Malleus Arianorum

13 Januari

Hits : 20089
Ignasius dari Anthiokia
God-Bearer, Theophoros, Teoforus

17 Oktober

Hits : 22875
Irenaeus of Lyons
Irenaeus of Lyons

28 Juni

Hits : 23041
Saint Isidor of Sevilla

Santo Isidorus

Schoolmaster of the Middle Ages, Isidore of Seville, Isidore the Bishop

04 April

Hits : 15170
Santo Polikarpus

Santo Polikarpus

Polycarp of Smyrna, Polikarpus dari Smyrna

23 Februari

Hits : 28883
Siprianus dari Kartago
Thaschus Caecilius Cyprianus, Thascius Caecilius Cyprian

16 September

Hits : 15704
Santo Sirilus dari Alexandria
Greek Father of The Church

27 Juni

Hits : 14551
Saint John of Damascus
The last of the church fathers, Doctor of Christian Art, Jean Damascene, Johannes Damascenus, John Chrysorrhoas (“golden-stream”), John of Damascus

04 Desember

Hits : 15890
Yohanes Krisostomus
Greatest of the Greek Fathers, Golden-Mouth, Giovanni Crisostomo

13 September

Hits : 25226

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