Saint Maurus was the first disciple of Saint Benedict of Nursia. He is mentioned in Saint Gregory the Great's biography of the latter as the first oblate; offered to the monastery by his noble Roman parents as a young boy to be brought up in the monastic life.

<a href=",_int.,_altare_dx_Andreas_Ruthard,_san_benedetto_riceve_i_discepoli_mauro_e_placido_(XVII_sec).jpg" title="via Wikimedia Commons" target="_blank">Sailko</a> [<a href="" target="_blank">CC BY-SA</a>]

Saint Benedict riceve his first disciple Saint Mauro and Saint Placid - 17 Century Painting

Saint Maurus was the first disciple of Saint Benedict of Nursia. He is mentioned in Saint Gregory the Great's biography of the latter as the first oblate; offered to the monastery by his noble Roman parents as a young boy to be brought up in the monastic life.

Sailko [CC BY-SA]

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